ANPR Highway Cameras The titanHz currently operates an ANPR Highway Camera (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) through the National Traffic Operations Centre (NTOC) with around 1,100 cameras. These cameras can be identified by their bright green casings, and are spread across around 500 sites on motorways and trunk roads. The data gathered is used to calculate journey times across the Highways Agency’s network and communicate this to the travelling public through services. The Highways Agency’s ANPR Highway Camera (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) read a Vehicle’s Registration Number (VRN) as vehicles pass them. The number plates are immediately converted though a mathematical process (known as hashing) into non-unique reference numbers (known as tags) at the roadside and the same number plate will generate the same tag on every pass of a NTOC ANPR Highway Camera (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) It is not possible to accurately derive the original number plate from the tag which is not unique to a number plate i.e. a number of different number plates can produce the same tag. The system presently records about 14 million tags a day and the ANPR Highway Camera (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) transmits the following data to the NTOC at 5 minute intervals. Highway Agency In common with the statutory duty of any public body, the Highways Agency will provide assistance to the Police in the investigation of specific serious crimes (typically those which carry a life sentence). The hashing process creates a non-unique tag that may consequently apply to a number of vehicles. The Highways Agency cannot therefore be definitive about a specific vehicle, and can only say whether or not one or more vehicles with that non-unique tag was observed at the location and within the specified time parameters. As the data is non personal information (due to the non-unique tag format) there are no Data Protection restrictions on how long we keep it. Currently, the data is kept indefinitely for modelling the network effectively and anticipating drivers’ behavior in response to incidents on the road network. As the data is non personal information (due to the non-unique tag format) there are no Data Protection restrictions on how long we keep it. Currently, the data is kept indefinitely for modelling the network effectively and anticipating drivers’ behaviour in response to incidents on the road network. Road Tolling Road Tolling means, that motorists pay directly for the usage of particular segment of road infrastructures. Tolls are a common way of funding the improvements of highways, motorways, roads and bridges: tolls are fees for services. Efficient road tolling increases the level of related road services by reducing travel time overhead, congestion and improve roadways quality. Also, efficient road tolling reduces fraud related to non-payment, makes charging effective, reduces required manpower to process events of exceptions.